Bencek D and Strasheim J (2016). “Refugees Welcome? A Dataset on Anti-Refugee Violence in Germany.” Research \& Politics, 3(4), pp. 2053168016679590. ISSN 2053-1680, doi: 10.1177/2053168016679590.

  title = {Refugees Welcome? {{A}} Dataset on Anti-Refugee Violence in {{Germany}}},
  author = {David Ben\v{c}ek and Julia Strasheim},
  copyright = {\textcopyright{} The Author(s) 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License ( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (},
  journal = {Research \& Politics},
  year = {2016},
  month = {oct},
  volume = {3},
  number = {4},
  issn = {2053-1680},
  pages = {2053168016679590},
  doi = {10.1177/2053168016679590},
  • David Benček. Author, maintainer.

  • Julia Strasheim. Author.